LISTEN: Woman Arrested Again For Misuse Of 911 System
Gabriella Bassetti Arrested Again For Misusing 911 System. She Wanted To Speak To The Manager.

Woman Arrested Again For Misuse Of 911 System – Gabriella Bassetti
BOCA RATON, FL – Boca Post ( — A Wellington woman has been arrested for misuse of the 911 system for the 2nd time in 3 weeks after she called 911 multiple times about an issue she was having with a local hotel.
Gabriella Bassetti, 19, of Sugar Pine Trail in Wellington, has been arrested again for misuse of the 911 system. Boca Post reported on Gabriella Bassetti’s first incident 3 weeks ago after she called 911 during a traffic stop to accuse deputies of being racist for arresting her husband for DUI.
This time, Bassetti called 911 to report a dispute she was having with Royal Inn, a hotel in Royal Palm Beach. Bassetti was upset because she claims she reserved a room but the inn would not honor the reservation she had made. So naturally, she called 911.
According to an arrest affidavit submitted by Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office, deputies say that they arrived at Bassetti’s Wellington home at approximately 1 AM on 4/21/22. Deputies met with Bassetti after being dispatched to her home in response to her calling 911 two times that evening about the hotel dispute.
When deputies told Bassetti that her issue with the hotel was a civil matter, she then retreated back into her house and called 911 3 more times.
On the last call, Bassetti suggested that fraud was a life and death situation. The dispatchers told her several times that there are deputies outside and that she needed to speak to them. Bassetti repeatedly told the dispatchers that she didn’t want to speak to the deputies because they didn’t help her.
On many of the calls, Bassetti demanded to speak to the manager, many times.
According to the report, deputies say that Bassetti’s husband told her not to dial 911 and that there was no emergency. Bassetti’s husband told deputies that he and his lawyer have both told Bassetti not to call 911 unless it’s for an actual emergency.
Bassetti was arrested for misuse of the 911 system and later issued a notice to appear for the misdemeanor.
Listen to the actual 911 audio from the calls that got Bassetti arrested for misusing the 911 system:
We have compiled all of the 911 audio and transcribed them below:
1st 911 Call
Bassetti: Hi, so yeah, I just made a reservation at a hotel “Royal Inn”. I made it last night and they are not abiding by my reservation. Umm. And put $100 down and I’m not, apparently they are full tonight, the night that I booked. I don’t know how that makes any sense to you but they blocked my number they’re declining my calls. And I would like my money back, one way or another, you know? My $100 dollars.
Dispatcher: Wait. Wait. Wait. You’re calling 911 because they won’t answer your phone calls?
Bassetti: Yeah. They blocked my phone number …
Dispatcher: Yes, Maam, That’s not a life and death emergency at all. That is….
Bassetti: That’s not fraud? That’s not fraud? No, it’s not? What’s your name?
Dispatcher: No Maam. Maam? My name is ***. You are on 911 life and death emergency line. Maam you cannot be calling 911 for this.
Bassetti: Yeah and ill hold until <inaudible> fraud? Is that not fraud?
Dispatcher: It’s a civil matter, ma’am. Call the office tomorrow. You can make a complaint with that business, OK?
Bassetti: No, because I don’t have any place to sleep tonight. You see, I am a dancer. And I need a place to sleep tonight. You know? And.. yeah, no.
Dispatcher: Maam, Maam, Royal Inn not answering your phone call is not a 911. Maam, you are abusing 911 at this moment.
Bassetti: No, it’s not because they are not answering my phone calls. Because I paid $100 down. Right? And they have my credit card information?
Dispatcher: Ok. And that’s what they call.. that is what they, that is what they call a civil matter ma’am. And, have you gone to the hotel?
Bassetti: Yeah
Dispatcher: Ok.. And what happened when you went?
Bassetti: And what? I’m not allowed to. I have to contact the police. So I am contacting the police and you guys are telling me. I’m on the phone with the police and they say they can’t do anything. What was your name again ma’am?
Dispatcher: One second. You’re at the Royal Inn?
Bassetti: What was your name again ma’am? Maam what was your name?
Dispatcher: My name is Charnette.
Bassetti: What was that?
Dispatcher: My name is Charnette.
Bassetti: Charnette. Charnette.
Dispatcher: What does that have to do with what is going on?
Bassetti: You not hear what I am calling for?
Dispatcher: Maam, you are calling 911 and you don’t have a life or death emergency. Would you like a non-emergency phone number?
Bassetti: Youuu… company just committing fraud. they have my credit card information. they have everything else and they are they just robbed me. So as a police deputy, what is your job to do ms ma’am?
Dispatcher: Maam, I am a dispatcher.
Bassetti: No, No, Don’t do that.
Dispatcher: I am a dispatcher and you need to not be on this 911 phone call. Tomorrow, if you would like to reach out to the management, ma’am, that is something you can do. That is a business. They can refuse your business if they want. That is not illegal. That is not a criminal act for them to refuse your business.
Bassetti: That is fraud though because I did go to law school and i know the price for fraud.
Dispatcher: Alright. Maam. You do not have a life or death.
Bassetti: OK. You can send me to your manager, thank you. That’s it.
Dispatcher: OK, ma’am. Our non-emergency number is 688-3400.
Bassetti: I can remember your name. You’re Welcome. Don’t say anything else. Send me to your manager. Don’t say anything else. Nope.
Dispatcher: Understand? 688-3400.
Bassetti: Thank you. I’ll remember your name. Send me to your manager.
Dispatcher: Maam.
Bassetti: Nope. I don’t want to hear that.
Dispatcher: Do you want the non-emergency number before we disconnect?
Dispatcher: That is a no?
Bassetti: Maam, I’m going to say this to you one more time.
Dispatcher: OK, have a good night.
2nd 911 Call
Dispatcher: 911 what is the location of your emergency?
Bassetti: Hi. What’s your name?
Dispatcher: Are you, uh, are you talking to me?
Bassetti: Yes. I am speaking to you.
Dispatcher: My name is Hector.
Bassetti: Hector?
Dispatcher: Yeah
Bassetti: OK I just spoke to a female who refused to give me her name. Right? OK I called 911. I called you guys because I booked a hotel room at Royal Inn. Last night. Ok? They are refusing to give me my hotel room refusing to give me my money back. Ok? And the last lady I spoke to told me I could speak to her manager and then hung up on me. So. <inaudible> If you could fix that, ok?
Dispatcher: I’m not going to do anything to fix that. Im not sure who it is that did that to you. But she isn’t incorrect in telling you that you do need to speak to the manager that is a civil issue not criminal.
Bassetti: Yeah. Ok.
Dispatcher: But I don’t know who it is you spoke to previously.
Bassetti: That’s Over. How Many. Ok. So you are a deputy, and you know that…
Dispatcher: I am not a deputy.
Bassetti: Ok. Well, you know, because you work in law, that anything over $300 is fraud. Right? Do you know that or no? Cuz if you don’t know that you shouldn’t be working the law, Hector. Just letting you know that right now…
Dispatcher: Maam, is there something I can help you tonight because 911 is for life and death emergencies.
Bassetti: Yes. Yes. You can, hector. Ok? I booked an appointment. Ok? Hector, listen to me?
Dispatcher: OK, Is somebody currently dying?
Bassetti: You hear me, Hector?
Dispatcher: I can hear you.
Bassetti: I have an appointment at the royal inn and they just completely canceled my appointment for over $300. That’s over fraud.
Dispatcher: You need to speak to the management there.
Bassetti: I did.
Dispatcher: Ok.
Bassetti: They won’t let me.
Dispatcher: Then you can contact an attorney. Its a civil issue.
Bassetti: No, Now it’s on. No. I know my law. I’m in law school. Now, It’s up to you guys. And if you dont handle it, Hector, you will lose your job.
Dispatcher: I will not. But what is your address?
Bassetti: Hector, Let me know.
Dispatcher: What is your address?
Dispatcher: Is that where your at right now?
Bassetti: Yup, let me know, Hector.
Dispatcher: What’s your name?
Bassetti: Let me know Hector, cuz I just paid for an appointment over $300.
Dispatcher: Maam, what is your name so I can send a deputy to help you to do your report?
Dispatcher: Your last name?
Dispatcher: And you said you’re at REDACTED
Bassetti: Yeah
Dispatcher: That’s not a good address.
Bassetti: What do you mean, do you have my license?
Dispatcher: I do not have your license.
Bassetti: OK, well that’s impossible. Cuz that’s an address.
Dispatcher: Not in my system. What city is that in?
Bassetti: Laughing. They’re saying that’s not an address. Hector?
Dispatcher: Yes Maam.
Bassetti: Hector is saying, yeah, he’s saying its not an address. Boynton?
Dispatcher: It’s in Boynton?
Bassetti: Yeah.
Dispatcher: And your sure <REDACTED>
Bassetti: Yes I’m almost
Dispatcher: The only <REDACTED> that I have in Palm Beach County with the name of <REDACTED> is heritage village drive and it belongs to West Palm Beach Police Department.
Bassetti: Nope. It does not belong to Police Department.
Dispatcher: What I’m telling you is the only <redacted> with the word <redacted> in it is <redacted> heritage village drive in west palm beach. There is no <redacted> in any village in Boynton Beach.
Bassetti: It’s not in West Palm. It’s located in Palm Beach off Slaver Pick road.
Dispatcher: Are you listening to what it is that im telling you? Im saying that the only <redacted> anything in Palm Beach County is this address that im giving you right now.
Bassetti: .. Again because I have my address correct, thank you, ok? <redacted> ok? Boynton Beach Florida. <redacted>
Dispatcher: What’s your last name?
Bassetti: <redacted> thank you
Dispatcher: spell your last name for me?
Dispatcher: Whats your date of birth?
Bassetti: Yes! You have it! So, You have my address.
Dispatcher: Yes. And its not <redacted>
Dispatcher: Thats your address.
Dispatcher: Nope. <redacted> is your address.
3rd 911 Call
Dispatcher: 911 whats the location of your emergency?
Bassetti: Hi. Who am I speaking to?
Dispatcher: Hi <redacted> this is hector.
Bassetti: Hi hector. Yes, im wondering what you can do about my situation.
Dispatcher: We put a call in already and deputies are supposed to be calling you on the phone.
Bassetti: Nobodies calling me im waiting. I would like to get my room from the hotel, you know what I mean?
Dispatcher: Im not showing you anywhere near the hotel right now and not showing at <redacted> the address that you gave me.
Bassetti: I am literally 5 minutes away from the hotel.
Dispatcher: Ok. So I got the call in at the hotel. So if you would like to go over to the hotel i’ll let the deputies know that your heading that way so that they can meet you with you.
Bassetti: Ok hector.
Dispatcher: Alright?
Bassetti: Ill remember that. Thank you.
Dispatcher: Thank you <redacted>
Bassetti: Dont worry, hector.
Dispatcher: I wont.
Bassetti: Alright, dont, yeah, for sure.
Dispatcher: Have a good one.
Bassetti: Bye hector.
4th 911 call
Dispatcher: 911 What’s the address of your emergency?
Bassetti: Hi, what’s your name?
Dispatcher: My name?
Bassetti: Yeah
Dispatcher: Ok. Maam are you with the deputies? Your calling 911 when you with the deputies?
Bassetti: No, I just called the deputies. I would like to report that they are no help at all. Thats it.
Dispatcher: Ok. Ok. You cant call 911 for that though, hun. 911 is for life and death emergencies.
Bassetti: Yeah, this is. One of those situations, you know? As a civilian its not my job to handle these situations. Its your job as police officers.
Dispatcher: Is this <redacted>
Bassetti: Yes! This is her!
Dispatcher: Ok. How can I help <redacted> if the deputies are there?
Bassetti: They been here and they are not helping. Thats my complaint.
Dispatcher: Ok. im just letting you know though, maam 911 is for life and death emergencies, people that are dying, stabbed, shooting, stuff like that, ok, not because your upset with a deputy.
Bassetti: Ok. I am not upset with your deputy. I am upset with your community. Ok And.
Dispatcher: Ok, well, would you like to speak to a sargent, what would you like to do?
Bassetti: Yes maam. My job as a civilian isnt to defend myself, thats your deputies job, correct?
Dispatcher: OK. Would you like a Sargent to call you, maam? Your on a 911 line for a non-emergency.
Bassetti: Yes please call me I have been trying to contact somebody
Dispatcher: OK. Ill have them call you, maam.
Bassetti: Than you.
Call #5
Dispatcher: 911 what is the location of your emergency?
Bassetti: Hello, whats your name?
Dispatcher: Hi <redacted> this is Hector
Bassetti: Hi Hector.
Dispatcher: Can I help you?
Bassetti: Yeah! You can help me! Can you help me?
Dispatcher: There are deputies outside, why arent you speaking with them?
Bassetti: Theyre not helping me! You guys..
Dispatcher: Right, but you keep calling 911 and you have already been informed 911 is for life and death emergencies only. There are deputies outside and we have already sent a message to the sargent for them to get in contact with you. There is nothing I can do further on my end.
Bassetti: In your county, that is committing fraud, you dont think that is a life or death situation?
Dispatcher: No, Fraud is not a life or death situation. Your not going to die from it.
Bassetti: Hector thats so crazy because this is a recorded fucking call!
Dispatcher: Yes it is. And your not going to die from fraud.
Bassetti: So you dont think this is fraud?
Dispatcher: I did not say that i did not think its fraud. I said fraud is not a life or death situation.
Bassetti: No, then help me. Help me.
Dispatcher: My job is to… I already did my job, the deputies are there.
Bassetti: No Hector. Hector, Im not listening. Your going to do your job.
Dispatcher: I did my job.
Bassetti: Your going to prevent fraud from happening in your county. Correct?
Dispatcher: I did … <redacted> … im not going to argue with you over a 911 line. Youve already been told repeatedly that you cannot call 911 <redacted>
Bassetti: Hector, Hector, Hector, don’t do that Hector.
Dispatcher: Dont do what?
Bassetti: Hector
Dispatcher: <redacted>
Bassetti: Hector
Dispatcher: <redacted>
Bassetti: Dont do that
Dispatcher: Dont do what?
Bassetti: This is your community. OK? Do you want to prevent fraud from happening… yes or no, hector? fraud?
Dispatcher: There are deputies outside that you need to speak to.
Bassetti: Yes or no, hector. Fraud
Dispatcher: There are deputies outside that you need to speak to.
Bassetti: Your not answering my question. I dont want to speak to them. I want to know if you want to prevent fraud from happening.
Dispatcher: I already sent the deputies. That is my job. My job is complete. You need to speak to the deputies.
Bassetti: You wanna prevent fraud from happening because it seems like you dont want to prevent fraud from happening.
Dispatcher: <redacted>
Bassetti: No, Hector, you keep saying my name but your not answering my question. And this is on a recorded call so..
Dispatcher: Correct, and I have already told you that the deputies are outside so speak to them
Bassetti: Hector, I have already talk to them and got all of there names. Dont worry about it.
Dispatcher: OK.
Bassetti: Do you want to stop fraud from happening or not?
Dispatcher: Do you want to stop uh misusing 911?
Bassetti: No
Dispatcher: Because I see you were arrested for that previously arleady.
Bassetti: I need. No. Are you serious? Hector?
Dispatcher: <redacted>
Bassetti: Hector?
Dispatcher: <redacted>
Bassetti: I just got how much money withdrawed from my bank account and your going to tell me its not fraud and your going to defend that, as a deputy?
Dispatcher: I’ve already told you before i’m not a deputy.
Bassetti: On a recorded call, on a recorded call
Dispatcher: I’ve already told you previously that i’m not a deputy.
Bassetti: Your going to do this on a recorded call, say it, say <inaudible>. Oh you cant say it now, huh?
Dispatcher: Can I help you something? The deputies are already outside.
Bassetti: Yes! You can help me! I’ve been telling you. Ok? Royal Inn committed fraud.
Dispatcher: And you need to speak to the deputy. I am not a deputy. The deputy is there for you to speak to. I have actual 911 callers calling in, Im going to have to disconnect with you.
Bassetti: Put me