DIRTY Dining Chop’s Lobster Bar Still Pending A Passing Health Inspection Following Closures
Failed 5 Inspections, Forced To Close 3 Times, Now On Extension For Pending Issues

Dirty Dining Chop’S Lobster Bar Still Pending A Passing Health Inspection Following Closures
Boca Raton, FL – Boca Post (BocaPost.com) — Chop’s Lobster Bar in Boca Raton failed 5 health inspections earlier this month and after being forced to close 3 times Chop’s Lobster Bar has not yet passed a follow-up inspection.
Chop’s Lobster Bar, the popular eatery located at 101 Plaza Real S. in Mizner, received negative marks on the last 5 health inspections earlier this month and after being forced to close 3 times, the restaurant has yet to pass a follow up inspection.
On 12/28/21, a health inspection was completed at Chop’s Lobster Bar as initiated by complaint which identified 3 high priority violations, 3 intermediate violations, and 2 basic violations. The violations included:
- Black/green mold in ice freezer
- Food safety concerns regarding temperature control of Bechamel sauce.
- Life flying insects in kitchen, food prep, bar, and food storage areas.
- Clam, Mussel, Oyster tags not maintained in chronological order.
- No soap provided at handwashing sink.
- Employees required food safety training.
A follow up inspection was completed on 1/3/22 which identified 3 high priority violations, 5 intermediate violations, and 7 basic violations which led the restaurant to be closed temporarily. Some notable violations included:
- Black/green mold in ice freezer
- Dead roach inside crushed ice machine
- Ice Cream scoop sitting in room temperature water
- Live flying insects in kitchen, food prep area, bar areas.
- Not maintaining clam, mussel, oyster tags for 90 days
- No soap provided at prep area hand sink
- Water for handwashing not hot enough
- Unlabeled bottle containing toxic substance at cookline
Another follow up inspection was completed on 1/4/22 which identified 1 high priority violation, 2 intermediate violations, and 1 basic violation which continued the Department of Health’s stop order. Some issues that remained during this inspection:
- Floor at cookline and dish area has broken floor tiles and missing grout – received extension
- Live flies were again observed at the bar area and near the entrances — received extension
- Not maintaining clam, mussel, oyster tags for 90 days — received extension
- Employees required food safety training — received extension
- Live insects observed flying around the soda gun.
Another inspection was completed the following day on 1/5/22 and Chop’s Lobster Bar was allowed to resume regular operations with these pending items by time extension as the department deems these issues are not an immediate threat to the public:
- Floor repairs – Missing floor tiles and grout near cookline and dish area
- Not maintaining clam, mussel, oyster tags for 90 days
- Employees required food safety training
Boca Post will continue to watch the follow up inspections for signs of improvement and/or degradation.