Tropical Storm Weather Possible, NHC Watching 3 Storm Systems
Don’t Worry, No Coastal Warnings Or Watches

Tropical Storm Weather Possible, Nhc Watching 3 Storm Systems
FLORIDA – Boca Post ( — The National Hurricane Center has been monitoring 3 different storm systems east of Florida with one potentially producing tropical storm weather.
The NHC says they are issuing advisories for Hurricane Danielle which is just 850 miles west-northwest of the Azores. Hurricane Danielle is expected to weaken over the coming days due to cooler waters.
Advisories are also being issued for Tropical Storm Earl which is only 650 miles south of Bermuda. Tropical Storm Earl is expected to become Hurricane Earl later today as it continues to strengthen.
NHC is monitoring a third system, currently identified only as “tropical disturbance #1”. While the chance of upper-level development is likely to be reduced this week, a tropical depression could form as the system travels 15-20 Mph over the eastern Atlantic.
There are no coastal warnings or watches in effect.
For those who are new to Florida, the NHC is always watching weather systems as they develop, issuing alerts and warnings when storms become a threat to the local area. Currently, these storms do not pose any foreseeable threat to Florida.