NEW DETAILS: Boca Raton Man Leaves Dogs In Car, Arrested
Boca Raton’s Pranav Arora Arrested For Animal Cruelty, Two Dogs Left In Hot Car At Least One Hour

Boca Raton’S Pranav Arora Arrested For Animal Cruelty
The charges against Arora appear to have been dropped, according to court records.
Originally reported by Boca Post
BOCA RATON, FL – Boca Post ( — Pranav Arora of Boca Raton has been arrested and charged with animal cruelty, according to jail records released to Boca Post by the Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office.
Pranav Arora, 26, of the 400 block of NE Spanish Trail in East Boca Raton, has been arrested Wednesday evening by the Boca Raton Police Department. Boca Post has been notified that the charge filed is ” 828.12(1) TORMENT/DEPRIVE/MUTILATE/KILL ANIMAL”.
According to an arrest affidavit submitted by the Boca Raton Police Department, officers responded to 300 Plaza Real in reference to complaints of two dogs left in an unoccupied vehicle.
There, officers found a white Mercedes Benz SUV parked. The officer writes:
The vehicle was turned off, with the windows rolled up, and two dogs in the vehicle. There was a chocolate lab laying on the front passenger seat. The lab was rapidly panting and appeared extremely fatigued. The second dog, a German Shepard, was barking aggressively and rapidly panting at the same time. The Shepard appeared protective over the lab.
While on the scene, I met with a witness/caller, who advised she arrived at around 1815 hours and noticed the two dogs in the vehicle without the vehicle running. The caller attempted to find the owner in the vicinity but could not locate the owner(s). The caller advised she was very concerned for the dogs due to the rapid panting and the appearance of the lab which seemed in distress. Therefore, she called BRPD.
It then became evident the vehicle was unlocked. Due to the exigent circumstances and ny overall concern for the safety and well-being of both dogs, Officer Felix and I opened the vehicle’s front driver and passenger door. This allowed the heat to escape and for the dogs to have air to breathe. Due to the aggressive signs the Shepard showed, it was unsafe for the officers to attempt to remove the dogs. The vehicle was keyless and had a push to start. The dash showed that the key was somewhere inside the vehicle. We then attempted to turn on the vehicle but the dogs were protective of the vehicle and we were not able to.
We were then able to place a water bowl in the back of the vehicle and both dogs immediately went to the water bowl and drank it all. At 1941 hours animal control officer D Harvey #2118 arrived on the scene for the removal of the dogs. Harvey arrived with a temperature reader which read 94 degrees Fahrenheit for the interior of the vehicle. It should be noted this was after approximately 30 mins with the doors ajar. Harvey was able to remove the lab from the vehicle and check for a chip. The lab did not have a chip. As Harvey was placing the lab into his vehicle, the owner of the dogs, Arora Pranav arrived at approximately 1950.
Since the officer’s arrival, the dogs have been in the vehicle, without water, food, or air-conditioning, with a temperature of 94 degrees for approximately an hour. The dogs showed extreme fatigue and distress while in the vehicle. Therefore, my investigation concluded that Arora Pranav actually carried his animals in a vehicle, in a cruel and inhumane manner, by leaving them unattended without basic necessities. Arora Pranav was placed under arrest for the crime of Animal Cruelty, pursuant to F.S.S 828.12(1) (c).
Arora Pranav was read his Miranda Rights from a pre-printed card, which he advised he understood his rights.
Post Miranda, Pranav stated he and his friend arrived at Mizner park at 1845 hours. Pranav advised he left his vehicle running and the key in the center console and went to pick up takeout from Kapow. Pranav then advised he and his friend were about to walk around Mizner Park. Pranav then advised they walked back to the vehicle and saw the officers. It should be noted Pranav did not know it was now 1950 hours.
Arora Pranav was placed into handcuffs which were checked for tightness and double S| locked. Pranav was then transported to BRPD for booking and later transported to Palm Beach County Jail.
Arora was booked into the Palm Beach County Jail at 11:57 on Wednesday evening and released early Thursday morning.