Full 10-Test Panel STD Check In Palm Beach County

Sexual well-being is an important aspect of one’s general health and the 10-Test Panel can be used to assess the sexual health of an individual. This pack of tests detects ten of the most well-known sexually transmitted diseases, including both bacterial and viral types. STD testing doesn’t have to be scary.

Residents in Palm Beach County, including Boca Raton, West Palm Beach, Delray Beach, Jupiter, Palm Beach Gardens, Wellington, Boynton Beach, Lake Worth Beach, and Royal Palm Beach can get private STD testing with local healthcare providers.

In this guide, we will look at each test in detail, the process of testing, the advantages of using the service and its implications.


Schedule STD Test Now, Save $10

Use the following links to save $10 on the test of your choice. Read below for more information about the tests.

What STDs do the 10-Test panel test for?


Chlamydia is a bacterial infection that is very frequent and can be without any symptoms in the initial stage of the infection mainly because of the absence of symptoms. Nevertheless, if chlamydia is left untreated it can cause severe complications such as pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) in women and infertility in both men and women. Chlamydia can be tested using urine samples which are very accurate and not uncomfortable.

Chlamydia is commonly referred to as “The Clam” or “Goeey Stuff” as slang on the streets.


In the same way as chlamydia, gonorrhea is a bacterial infection that affects the genitals, rectum, and the throat. If left untreated gonorrhea has serious consequences for the reproductive system and may even disseminate to other organs and systems, including the bloodstream, causing DGI, which is a life-threatening condition. To test the bacteria, a urine sample is taken because the infection causes it.

Gonorrhea is commonly referred to as “The Clap”, “The Drip”, “The Morning Drip”, or “The Dose” on the streets. It is common to understand that Gonorrhea can be cured with a single dose of antibiotics if caught early enough, hence the nickname.

Hepatitis A

Hepatitis A is a viral infection that targets the liver; it is usually acquired through ingestion of contaminated food or water. Other than hepatitis A, the other types of hepatitis are sub-acute, and they go away on their own, although the complications of hepatitis A can result in liver failure. This is because when hepatitis A is detected early on, the affected individuals can take measures that will prevent its spread and help in managing the signs.

Hepatitis A is also known as “Infectious hepatitis”, “Epidemic hepatitis”, “Epidemic jaundice”, “Catarrhal jaundice”, “Type A hepatitis”, “Hep A”, “HAV”, and “HA”.

Hepatitis B

Hepatitis B is a persistent viral infection that affects the liver and may become chronic and result in complications like cirrhosis of the liver or hepatocellular carcinoma. It is highly contagious and transmitted through bodily fluids like blood and semen; however, it is preventable through vaccination and yet it remains a big concern especially to those who are not vaccinated. This panel also involves a blood test that is used to determine the Hepatitis B surface antigens.

Hepatitis B is often called the “silent killer” because it can be actively damaging a person’s liver without them even being sick. Hepatitis B is also known as “serum hepatitis”, “Hep B”, “HBV”, and “HB”.


Hepatitis C

Hepatitis C is mostly acquired through blood-borne transmission and is often associated with IV drug use, sharing of needles and other utensils as well as receiving contaminated blood products. Hepatitis C if it becomes chronic can cause severe liver complications. Early diagnosis is important because of the advancements in antiviral therapy, the infection can now be cured.

Hepatitis B is also known as “serum hepatitis”, “Hep C”, “HCV”, and “HC”.

Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1 (HSV-1)

Usually so-called oral herpes, HSV-1 appear as cold sores around the mouth area. Although not as notorious as genital herpes, HSV-1 can also infect the genitalia, although in a particular manner – through oral sex. This panel also includes blood test HSV-1 that antibodies, detect which provides information about the virus even if the signs and symptoms are not visible.

The lesions caused by Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1 (HSV-1) are commonly referred to as Fever Blisters or Cold Sores. A common slang for Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1 (HSV-1) is “The Gift That Keeps On Giving” because of its infectious, incurable nature

Herpes Simplex Virus Type 2 (HSV-2)

Genital herpes is caused by HSV-2 and it is characterized by sores, discomfort and psychological stress.  HSV-2 can be latent for long periods of time, thus highlighting the importance of testing for the management of the disease. This helps in the management of the outbreaks and also the prevention of transmission to other partners.

Herpes Simplex Virus Type 2 (HSV-2) is generally referred to as genital herpes while Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1 (HSV-1) is known as oral herpes / cold sores. Some even call Herpes Simplex Virus Type 2 (HSV-2) the “bad herpes”.

HIV Type 1 & Type 2 Antibody/Antigen (4th Generation)

HIV counseling and testing is recommended to start as early as possible for diagnosis  and treatment. The 4th Generation HIV test available in the panel reacts to both HIV-1 and HIV-2 using antibodies and antigens and thus is very accurate. This type of advanced testing is able to identify HIV at an early stage, including the acute phase of infection.

On the streets, HIV is commonly referred to as “The Virus”, “Hi-Five”, “The Bug”, and “The Deadliest Catch”.


Syphilis is an infectious disease caused by bacterium which has multiple stages covering painless sores and may complications such as neurological and cardiovascular manifestations. The STD panel includes a blood test that determines the bacteria that causes the infection enabling the patient to be treated with antibiotics at the right time.

Syphilis is commonly referred to as “The Great Imitator”, “The Pox”, and “Bad Blood”.

HIV RNA Early Detection (Optional)

For those who want service. to This get test even looks more for precise the results, genetic the material HIV of RNA the Early virus Detection (RNA) test in is the available blood as stream an and additional gives results within the range of 9-11 days after exposure. This is especially useful for those who are at high risk of getting infected or those who need results immediately after possible exposure.


STD Testing Process

Simple and Quick Sample Collection

The testing process is easy, comfortable, and convenient as possible. The testing process only requires a urine sample to test for chlamydia and a blood sample for the other cases.

These samples are taken at one of the numerous certified laboratories in their network. For those living in Palm Beach County, including Boca Raton, West Palm Beach, Delray Beach, Jupiter, Palm Beach Gardens, Wellington, Boynton Beach, Lake Worth Beach, and Royal Palm Beach, there are many testing centers making it easy to access the services. It takes about 5 minutes to complete the entire process so it will not interfere much with your daily activities.

Convenient Lab Locations

Due to its existence in over 4,500 testing centers across the United States, the service very accessible. There are many laboratories in cities throughout Palm Beach County, such as Boca Raton, West Palm Beach, Delray Beach, Jupiter, Palm Beach Gardens, Wellington, Boynton Beach, Lake Worth Beach, Royal Palm Beach, and others. There is no need for an appointment as one can just walk into the facility at one’s own time.

Fast Results

The results of the test are normally obtained within one to two days so that one does not have to wait for long. The information is presented to you through a website which ensures that your privacy is respected, and you are not embarrassed.

Confidential Consultation

If one gets positive results, the service will provide a consultation with a doctor over the phone at no charge. During the consultation, the individual will learn about how to report the results to their partner and about treatment options.

Privacy and Confidentiality

The testing is ensured to be as private as possible right from the time of ordering the tests.

  • Anonymous Ordering
    • Customers are not forced to give their real names when placing the order.
  • HIPAA Compliance
    • The company ensures the privacy of the patients’ information since it adheres to privacy policies.
  • Secure Communication
    • All the information and the results are protected by encryption to ensure that nobody else can get access to them.
  • No Insurance Reporting
    • This service does not submit results to insurance companies hence no information is recorded on the medical records or insurance statements.

To the residents of Palm Beach County this is important as the communities in cities such as Boca Raton, West Palm Beach, Delray Beach, Jupiter, Palm Beach Gardens, Wellington, Boynton Beach, Lake Worth Beach, and Royal Palm Beach, are compact and closely knit. For these reasons, the testing facility respects the privacy of every client regardless of his/her location.

STD Check Pricing and Accessibility

The cost of the 10-Test Panel is $139 while the HIV RNA Early Detection is offered at an additional cost of $120 hence the total cost is $259. This might seem expensive, but the cost is nothing in comparison to the costs of illness and the emotional trauma of having a Sexually Transmitted Disease.

Accessibility is a major benefit of the service. Palm Beach County residents especially benefit from many lab locations in the cities such as Boca Raton, West Palm Beach, Delray Beach, Jupiter, Palm Beach Gardens, Wellington, Boynton Beach, Lake Worth Beach, Royal Palm Beach, and others. The following are the features that make these facilities suitable for the patients to access the tests without much struggle.

It is therefore recommended that the public should take a great opportunity to undergo STD checkup especially through the 10-Test Panel. This panel tests ten STDs and an early detection HIV test which provides people with ways of managing their health. The process is rather simple, the service is confidential and was designed in a way to cause as little discomfort as possible.

Palm Beach County residents including Boca Raton, West Palm Beach, Delray Beach, Jupiter, Palm Beach Gardens, Wellington, Boynton Beach, Lake Worth Beach, Royal Palm Beach, and other areas can access testing centers easily and this is a plus for them. STDs are now on the rise globally; therefore, it is advisable to take tests frequently. Whether you want to protect yourself, your partners or support global health initiatives, the 10-Test Panel is a perfect tool to monitor one’s sexual health.



The information provided on this page is for general informational purposes only and should not be considered medical advice or a substitute for professional healthcare guidance. While we strive to ensure accuracy, we are not responsible for any actions taken based on this information. For personalized medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment, please consult a licensed healthcare provider. Use of this service is at your own discretion and risk. Always follow up with a healthcare professional for interpretation of test results and next steps.