PBSO To Conduct High Visibility Enforcement For Next 10 Months
The High Visibility Enforcement Details Start Next Week, July 28th, 2022

Pbso To Conduct High Visibility Enforcement For Next 10 Months
BOCA RATON, FL – Boca Post (BocaPost.com) — Palm Beach Sheriff’s Office announced that the law enforcement agency will enforce traffic laws for the next 10 months during High Visibility Enforcement (HVE) details.
High visibility operations are important to deter crime. This means we will see more blue lights on the sides of more busy thoroughfares across Palm Beach County. The hope is that High Visibility Enforcement will deter people from breaking the law and hopefully make the roads a safer place.
Boca Post expects that the agency will publish periodic updates with the performance of the High Visibility Enforcement details.
PBSO says the High Visibility Enforcement will focus mostly on providing education and citations to drivers, bicyclists, and pedestrians. The agency made a statement outlining the following reminders:
- Drivers
- Obey speed limits
- Never driver impaired
- Watch for pedestrians, and bicyclists, especially at intersections
- Bicyclists
- Follow traffic laws
- Ride direction of traffic flow
- Always use lights when riding in the dark
- Pedestrians
- Cross in crosswalks or intersections
- Obey pedestrian signals
- Be visible to drivers in the dark
A PBSO spokesperson tells Boca Post that the HVE details are funded by a contract with the University of North Florida and the Florida Department of Transportation.
The additional funding is appreciated by the largest law enforcement agency which saw a 5.1% budget increase from 2021 to 2022, costing taxpayers an additional $33.1 Million. With the county pushing back on the Sheriff’s even larger request increased budget for FY2023, subsidizing costs becomes more important than ever.
The High Visibility Enforcement (HVE) details will start next week on July 28th, 2022, and continue through May 12th, 2023.