An inmate was apprehended for issuing threats against the courthouse located in Broward County, Fort Lauderdale. The individual, identified as Scott Clark, a 31 year old male inmate at North Broward Bureau, was arrested by the Broward Sheriff’s Office Threat Management Unit. The incident unfolded on July 11, 2024, around 8 a.m., when reports of threatening phone calls to Broward County Crime Stoppers were received by BSO’s Real Time Crime Center. Following an investigation by TMU detectives and courthouse deputies, it was revealed that Scott Clark was responsible for the threats after confessing during questioning.Clark, who has been held in custody since his arrest in May by deputies from the Tamarac District of BSO on charges of grand theft auto and burglary, now faces an additional charge related to falsely reporting the planting of a bomb, explosive device or weapon of mass destruction or using a firearm in a violent manner.
Detective M. Ryan, TMU
Detective E. Versteeg, TMU
Reported by;
Carey Codd/Senior Public Information Officer
July 12, 2024. 1;45 PM
Detective J. Kessler, TMU
Sergeant S. Arroyo, TMU
Location; Broward County Courthouse