South Florida Assistant Principal Arrested For Child Neglect
Cooper City High School Assistant Principal Robert Herzog Arrested Again

Cooper City High School Assistant Principal Robert Herzog Arrested Again
CORAL SPRINGS, FL – Boca Post ( — Coral Springs Police Department has arrested Robert Herzog for child neglect following an investigation.
Robert Herzog, 39, of Coral Springs, was arrested by the Coral Springs Police Department and charged with one count of child neglect.
Police say that a criminal investigation by Coral Springs SVU revealed that Herzog neglected to provide relevant medical information. Police say that this resulted in serious physical injury and prolonged suffering to the victim.
According to the probable cause affidavit reviewed by Boca Post, Herzog is accused of neglecting to bring the victim to a specialist for a medical concern. At one time, Herzog stated in a text message to the victim child”s mother that the victim was growing
a “tail”.
The victim was eventually treated on 06/13/2019, 08/14/2019, 09/04/2019, 10/22/2019, 11/01/2019, and 11/18/19 and Herzog was present at ‘all doctor appointments. On November 19, 2019, Defendant Herzog discouraged the child’s mother from making an appointment with a dermatologist on December 13, 2019, placing his possession of the
the victim according to the parenting plan over seeking the earliest available medical treatment of the victim child.
Herzog attempted to delay medical treatment by two months despite his personal knowledge of the human body. Police say the progression of the disease and his knowledge that the victim child’s medical condition continued to worsen.
The victim was diagnosed with a disease on January 6th, 2022, that is transmitted through skin-to-skin contact. Herzog later admitted that he has had the same condition for the last 10 years and that he treated it with over-the-counter medications.
The report says that Herzog never disclosed to pediatricians or specialists that he has the condition which was ultimately found on the victim. Instead, he would have the child treated for “skin tags” and “pinworm”, despite no improvement in the victim child’s condition.
Herzog, despite the knowledge of the presence of and treatment for the condition he has had for approximately ten years, failed to provide or intentionally omitted relevant and important medical information medical treatment a prudent person would consider essential to properly diagnose and medically treat the victim child.
Herzog additionally, attempted to discourage the victim child’s mother from seeking the earliest possible treatment of the victim child from medical specialists. Herzog, in so doing, allowed the victim child’s medical condition to worsen which directly resulted in prolonged pain and suffering, larger and more prolific growth of the condition. Investigators say this led to more painful treatment.
Herzog is an assistant principal at Cooper City High School. Herzog has another pending criminal charge for the criminal use of public records/info for which he was arrested in April.