Mother And Daughter Attacked By Group In Wedgewood, Teen Arrested
Kayla Martial Of Boca Raton Arrested After Fight In Wedgewood

Kayla Martial Of Boca Raton Arrested After Fight In Wedgewood
BOCA RATON, FL – Boca Post ( — Kayla Martial of Boca Raton is on house arrest following her arrest for a violent attack on a teenage girl and her mother in the Wedgewood community in western Boca Raton.
Kayla Martial, 19, of the 8000 block of Eagle Run Drive in the Wedgewood community located in western Boca Raton, has been arrested by the Palm Beach Sheriff’s Office. Boca Post has been notified that Martial has been charged with two counts of burglary with battery and child abuse.
The serious charges follow a violent incident that occurred on Sunday, October 28th, 2022. According to an arrest affidavit submitted by the Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office, at about 3:30 PM, Kayla Martial and an unknown associate only known as “Mimi”, walked up to the mother’s home as she was leaving through the garage and asked her if her daughter was home. The mother, who recognized Martial as she also lived in Wedgewood, told them their daughter was not home but that she would be home in 30 minutes.
The mother says that her daughter showed up at about 5:15 PM when two vehicles pulled in behind her. The mother reports that several black females, including Kayla and a girl known as “Mimi”, exited the vehicles and walked up to the entrance of their garage door, calling out for the 16-year-old daughter to come out.
The mother told her daughter to stay in the garage and demanded that the girls leave her property. The group of girls then surrounded the mother and used foul language as they demanded the 16-year-old girl exit the garage. At some point, the girls got into the garage and attacked the 16-year-old girl. According to PBSO, several neighbors were able to separate all parties.
Since the incident, a video of the incident was uploaded to Instagram by the group. PBSO says they reviewed the video and it corroborates what the 16-year-old victim and her mother reported to them.
Kayla Martial was booked into the Palm Beach County Jail at 2:45 PM on 10/30/22. Martial has since been released from jail and allowed in-house arrest while she awaits her trial. Martial is represented by criminal defense attorney Michael Julian of Fort Lauderdale.